K.O.L. Radio – To, Japan, Brazil & Beyond..

K.O.L. Radio was launched by DJ Otsuka and myself in mid-2020 at the height of the Covid pandemic here in Japan. We’ve now had more than 40 guest selectors from 13 countries, including three all the way from Brazil, DJs Paulo, PG and Caio Formiga from   Patua Discos in São Paulo.

There are all genres of mixes carefully selected and put together by DJs and collectors, musicians and music journalists; jazz, world music, rock, latin, hip-hop, Balkan, Malaysian and more! Stream directly on the website, and follow us at @kolradio1 on Twitter and Instagram!

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Mr. OK Jazz is a 20+ year resident of Japan and spends all his free time wandering the Kanto area looking for jazz cafes, bars, clubs and record stores. For two years he hosted the OK Jazz radio show on InterFM Radio, currently the OK Jazz podcast. You can reach him at *protected email*